Sunday, 18 February 2018

You Go (Carbon) Coco

Firstly, is anybody actually able to use the word "coco" in a sentence without thinking of the "you go Glen Coco" scene in Mean Girls?  I'm betting that I'm not the only one... Surely.

Anyway, today's little blog post brings you a review of a product I was VERY kindly sent by the team at Carbon Coco a few weeks ago.  So pretty much everyone and their gran has heard about one of the latest crazes on social media that is "activated charcoal" teeth whitening.  You'll have seen the pictures online of people brushing their teeth and their mouth looking like they've just swallowed a pint of tar, and like a lot of people, I was pretty intrigued but probably a little reluctant to actually try it out... Will it work?  HOW does it work?  What's in it?  Do I really want to make a mess of my bathroom sink?

When I received an email from the CC guys, I did some initial research into their products and thought now was the perfect opportunity to give the good ol' charcoal stuff a shot and see what all the fuss was about.

Carbon Coco are an Australian company that provides all-natural alternatives to oral care and teeth whitening, and here's a little more information taken directly from their website: Their activated charcoal is "made from 100% certified organic coconut shell charcoal" and "not only brightens your smile, but also improves your overall mouth health.  Our medical grade activated charcoal powder removes toxins, stains, and plaque from your teeth through a process called adsorption, in which activated charcoal binds with these particles and flushes them out of your teeth and mouth.  The super finely milled polish won’t damage your enamel or gums and also contains bentonite clay, a natural ingredient that helps remineralise teeth plus a hint of lemon myrtle, which has gentle and non-acidic antibacterial properties."

So what's the verdict?

For best results, you're advised to use the activated charcoal powder, followed by the charcoal toothpaste, daily for 7-14 days.  Although results will most likely be different from person to person, I have only used the products four times so far and I've definitely noticed a difference in the whiteness of my teeth.  In fact, I actually noticed a difference after the very first use.

It's super easy to use - brush your teeth with the powder for three minutes, spit out and rinse, and follow with the toothpaste for another three minutes.  The powder feels quite grainy on your teeth to begin with, but as you're brushing, it feels like you're giving your teeth a good exfoliate and your mouth definitely feels squeaky clean afterwards.

Here's a couple of before and after shots:

I've had my teeth laser whitened before and I have to say, I don't ever want to do it again.  Although I had amazingly white teeth afterwards, the whiteness didn't last as long as promised and my teeth have definitely felt more sensitive since having the procedure done.

As the Carbon Coco charcoal powder and polish are so easy to use without the yucky tingly feeling, and given that I can already see a difference after such a short period of time, the Carbon Coco products are definitely ones that I'll continue to use; Perhaps not every day, but a few times a week.

If you're looking for a natural and safe way to brighten your teeth, then I'd definitely recommend that you give Carbon Coco a try.  To make things better, delivery is FREE worldwide and they have a promo code in February for 20% off.  Go figure.

If you make an order, let me know what you think!

(Oh and also, if you're going out and planning to wear your brightest red lippy, brush your teeth with these babies beforehand for some extra ooomph in your smile!)


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